Roguelike Wiki

- 흑부리아비족(Kuikka-Tribe): 흑부리아비족은 북부 민족의 하나로, 흑부리아비(Kuikka, 물고기를 잡아 먹는 새의 한 종류)를 숭배합니다. 그들은 작은 집에서 살며 낚시, 사냥, 소규모의 순록 방목 등으로 일상을 보냅니다.

The Kuikka-tribe lives in the eastern area of Northern regions, and in northwestern areas of Inland UrW_regions. Like other northern cultures, they do not have shops, trading is only possible directly with the people. If they have any livestock, they only herd UrW_reindeer.

Kuikka-tribe adventurers are some of the best in the game, on par with the UrW_Owl-Tribe and UrW_Kaumolainen. They do not have much in the Strength department, but are small and agile with the high UrW_Mobility and UrW_Dodge skills, and frequently a good Endurance to boot. They are also superb hunters with better UrW_Bow, Crossbow, and Dagger skills than any other culture in the game. The down side is that their general-purpose survival skills are not substantially better than any of the Eastern Peoples, though they are one of the few cultures that start with any UrW_Woodcarving skill.
